Sunday, May 31, 2009

Going to America Part 1

Going to American Part 1

(This is my final Essay for English)

It was a typical Monday morning. My grandparents woke me and my brother up to take us to Gimhae Airport. It was the day when my grand parents, my brother and I were leaving for the states to meet my mom. Our plan was supposed to depart at terminal C. My father bought us a phone card each week to call him in the states. I thought it would be a unique experience and at that time, studying overseas became a trend in Korea.

I was always curious about America and other foreign countries. My brother told me that America was an exotic place such as Bali. My father thought about immigrating to America. Instead he decided to send my grandparents, my brother and me to the states. I really missed my mom because she went to the states first to do her Ph.D at the University of Maryland. We were planning to leave Korea with mom, but the plan had to be postponed.

While my mom was in the States, I got emotional and felt abandoned and isolated. My father was obviously concerned about me and my brother. But we said we would survive. He hesitated to send us to the states. On the other hand, our outlook was very promising. I remember the first day I went to school in Maryland. I felt energetic that particular morning. I was expecting to form a lot of friendships with the new classmates. As I entered the classroom, I got nervous. Yes that is the accurate word to describe my feeling.

There were multiple reasons for this. It was a new school, new teacher, new friends, and most of all, it was a new country. Although I knew only handful English words, I was looking forward to making new friends. 3 months after my grandparents, my brother, and I arrived at America. We bought a luxurious house.
Moneywise, it was a good decision. My parents did not like consuming money on renting a house.
At that time, the property value was decreasing. My school was a public school not a private one. I was astounded by the fact that most of classmates came from different ethnic backgrounds. Similarly, their characters varied.

To Be Continued.......

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